Degradation of xylene from waste gas stream by advanced oxidation processes

Título del Seminario que se dictará el viernes 10 de Mayo de 2019 en el Aula 18 del edificio INTEC I (Predio CONICET Santa Fe).

Tema: “Degradation of xylene from waste gas stream by advanced oxidation processes”

Expositor: Ing. Tomáš Prostějovský, PhD student, Institute of Environmental Technology, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, República Checa

Lugar: Aula 18 del INTEC I, Predio CONICET Santa Fe "Dr. Alberto Cassano".
Fecha y hora: Viernes 10 de Mayo de 2019 a partir de las 10:30 hs.
Idioma: Inglés.


The aim of the presentation is to familiarize the audience with the basics of advanced oxidation processes and with their use for the removal of VOCs from the waste air from the chemical plants. A pilot device was designed and constructed for the removal of VOCs and initial experiments were performed with a model contaminant – xylene. The results of these experiments will be shown. There will be a few words about the Institute of Environmental Technology and about Ostrava at the end of the presentation.